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Dita Ayu Wulandari

25 Years Old, Indonesian, Young Entrepreneur

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My Bio

Javanese-Gorontalo Ethnicity, Born in 29th March 1999.
Experienced in Business Management, Marketing, and Busines Development. also a founder of Andara 99 and travel business "Royal Dubai Travel"


Current Life

Dita Ayu Wulandari is Puteri Indonesia Sulawesi Barat 2 2023 and Putri Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia 2022 (Miss Creative Economy of Indonesia 2022), as well as young-entrepreneur, in the Medical and Travel Industry. She is now doing her MBA in Arden University UK (Online). Not only her passion in Business but she is dedicating her life to contribute socially to public by joining community of Muda BerAkhlak, HIPMI (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia), KADIN Indonesia (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), FOBI DKI Jakarta (Federasi Olahraga Barongsai Indonesia) and Beauty Pageant.

Social Activities

Part of

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Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia

Kadin Indonesia

Press Realease

Unggul di Basis Pemilih Gen Z, Dita Ayu Wulandari Optimis Pasangan 02 Menang 1 Putaran

Secretary General (Sekjen) of Young Volunteers with Morals, Dita Ayu Wulandari, revealed that all survey institutions placed the pair number 2 Prabowo-Gibran in first place, receiving support from Gen Z voters.

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Sekjen Relawan Muda BerAkhlak Dita Ayu Wulandari Ajak Pendukung dan Simpatisan Birukan GBK

Read more on The Indonesian presidential election will be held at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium on 10/2/2024. The Relawan Muda BerAkhlak (RMB) Dita Ayu Wulandari stated that all supporters and supporters must participate in the election, as it will be the largest political party in Indonesia.

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Dita Ayu Wulandari, Pengusaha Muda Wakili Sulsel di Ajang Putri Pariwisata 2022, Sabet Tiga Gelar Sekaligus

See more on how Dita Ayu Wulandari, Young Entrepreneur Represents South Sulawesi at the 2022 Women's Tourism Event, Wins Three Titles at Once, this press release shows more on how she could achieve the awards.

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Dita Ayu : Generasi Muda Jangan Takut Mencoba!

Young generation is not supposed to be scared of trying, read more on how she shared about her experience to the local college student in Indonesia.

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MoU HIPMI – Garuda Gairahkan Kolaborasi Pemerintah Swasta

Read more on how MoU HIPMI - Garuda Indonesia on collaborate on increasing the economy activity's especially on tourism with support of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs, where Dita Ayu become the person in charge in this collaboration.

Read More
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Andara 99

Company Owned

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Royal Dubai Travel

Company Owned

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Muda BerAkhlak

Sekertaris Jendral

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Forum Akhlak Indonesia

Bendahara Umum

Girl's Squad Community

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Dewan Pembina

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Puteri Indonesia

Puteri Indonesia Sulawesi Barat 2


Putri Pariwisata Indonesia

Putri Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia 2022
Puteri Pariwisata Indonesia Favourite 2022

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HIPMI (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia)



FOBI (Federasi Olahraga Barongsai Indonesia)

FOBI DKI Jakarta

Where the Passion take place

Dita Ayu's Youtube Channel

This will take you to see a lil life of her

A small percentage of her life could be interesting as well as not interesting hehe, but of course we summed it for you to enjoy a lil of her daily life!

"Being positive is not only change your mood, but it change your life!" - Dita Ayu Wulandari

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